Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Well, I was reading my cousin's blog, and I decided to start one of my own. To start, I am married to Tyler, and we will have been married four years on October 1st. We have three beautiful boys together. Ryan just turned 3 on May 30, Cameron will turn 2 on September 17, and Wesley was just born on March 26. These boys are what keep me going everyday. They may be a handful, but I would definitely be lost with out them.

Ryan is so smart that he surprises me everyday. Some of the things he says keeps me scratching my head! I just found out the other day that when you ask him to show you any number 1-9, he can point them out. No idea where he learned that, because when I tried to teach him, he would always say the wrong number. He's got a mouth on him, and OH! the looks! He knows how to give me a look that makes me laugh instead of making me even more mad!

Cameron always wants to do what his big brother does. He's super smart too, and his new favorite word is...No. He doesn't yell it, he just simply says no, and walks away. If he doesn't want to do it, he doesn't! He is very loving, too. He loves to give kisses and hugs. I love putting him to bed, because he just lays there and hugs me for the longest time! It melts my heart! The boys' favorite thing to do is rough housing. I have their dad to thank for that. Cam currently has a bruise on his forhead, right above his eyebrow. I'm not sure if that's from Ryan, or if it's a result of jumping on the couch and hitting the armrest. The boys are in the biting stage, and Ryan bites harder than Cameron, so Cam always has the bite marks all over him. I'm not sure why Ryan thinks he needs to bite, but I wish he would stop!

I am extremely blessed to have Wesley. I could not ask for a better baby! He hardly ever cries, and when he does, as soon as you find out what he wants he's done. He's getting so big. He will be 11 weeks this Friday, which doesn't even seem possible. It feels like I just got out of the hospital with him! He had his two month checkup today, and he weighs 14lbs, 14oz, and he is 25 inches long! Getting to be a little chunk! He's always smiling for me, and I got him to laugh last week. Ryan was sitting with me when I was making him laugh, and now he does the same thing to try to get him to laugh! It is so cute! Ever since Wesley was born, Ry has been very good with him. He's always kissing him, wanting to hold him, and getting things for me when I ask. He doesn't like it when Wesley cries, and when we are in the truck, he gives him his foofy back so that I don't have to stop. Cameron didn't want anything to do with Wesley at first, but he's starting to warm up to him, and has been giving him kisses, and coming up to look at him.

There are times when I wish that I would have had them farther apart, but I am so glad that they are so close. They can all grow up together, always have two best friends, and always have someone watching over them. I love watching them grow and learn something new everyday, and it's going to be so hard when they get even bigger and start going to school. I went to my brother's high school graduation on Sunday, and that was hard for me to get through. I cried more than my mom did; he didn't even make it over the bridge before I started tearing up! It's so hard for me to believe that four years ago, that was me walking across that stage receiving my diploma, and four years from now, that will be my sister! I am going to lose it when my boys graduate, and that's going to be one year after another! I have about 15 more years before I have to think about that! The only bad thing about them growing up so quick is my grocery bill is enormous! Between Tyler, Ryan, and Cameron, we go through food so quick! Tyler thinks he needs to eat 24/7, and there are some things that I have to hide from him so that I make sure the boys get some! When the boys are teenagers, both Tyler and I are going to have to have two jobs just to buy groceries!

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